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I Am Thankful For YOU

Happy Thanksgiving from EEpath™ & Cynthia Yamasaki

My Reflection & Gratitude to

Lead & Live Well™

I am sincerely grateful for everything and everyone in my life including YOU, reader of EEmuse™. I hope that you enjoy this and previous issues of EEmuse™ and accept my gift to you today.

IMAGINE: At the end of each day, you look in the mirror, smile and say, "I made a difference in my life and the lives of others. I am enough!" You enjoy a restful night of sleep satisfied knowing that you did your best; and tomorrow brings a new day to continue living the life you want to lead.

You are a Real Authentic Winner (RAW) based on your own unique talent, definition and integrity. And when that time comes for the end of your physical life, you are ready to die with no regrets.

I would love to share with you how you can be RAW, serve as an agent for change for the greater good, and realize self-fulfillment in your career and life.

WALK MY TALK. My personal EEpath (Energized & Empowered Path) for the last nine months included intensive studies, coaching, conference calls, and workshops with an exclusive group of leaders and coaches led by Kute Blackson in Los Angeles and India. Words cannot fully express my gratitude, feelings and experiences during this intensive training especially the amazing and unique experience of India.

While in India, I was totally unplugged from the Internet, email, phone and camera. I have very little pictures to share. However, the images, sacred places, honorable Change Leaders I met, and my cohorts from different countries who I shared this journey with will be in my heart forever. I faced and moved through my fears, expanded my awareness and abilities as a coach. I completed my own version of "Eat, Pray, Love" in Italy, France, Bali and India (in the last 10 years).

After India, I continued with 14 semi-unplugged days to integrate India in my Quest for Excellence. I enjoyed quality time with my sons in Reno and Lake Tahoe, special friends in Los Angeles, followed by quiet introspective time at home. This time of integration and planning allowed me to be RAW. Wide-open in mind and heart to recalibrate and improve how I can best serve my family, clients and community. I focused on these three things:

  • Appreciate the past,

  • Be present in the moment, and

  • Look forward with purpose for the future.


Miracles do happen! My father is healing well from cancer thanks to my mother's devoted care and unconditional love, his physicians, and our prayers. My brother found his niche in life, we communicate better, and he can be counted on to help our family. My sons are healthy, happy, educated and on their own Career & Life Path as independent adults. I feel at peace and love within myself. What more in life could one ask for? Family, Unconditional Love, Health, Self-Fulfillment are important values to me.


So what's next? Turn off the "pause" button (annual retreat) and turn ON the "TAKE ACTION" button to get ready for 2016. I'm revitalized to continue coaching and giving my best work and service to YOU.

I'm excited to share revised EEpath programs and services beginning in 2016. Yes, iterations and continuous improvement, which are typical of an entrepreneurial enterprise.

As a special launch, I invite you to schedule a complimentary speaking event, valued at $1000, for your company business group or professional industry association*.

GIFT FOR YOU Give is the fifth principle of my coaching process. To celebrate and share what I gained from India, along with my experience as a business leader and coach for over 30 years, I am offering all EEmuse™ subscribers (YOU) a free one-hour talk on how to be Real Authentic Winners (RAW).

RECEIVE NOW. I invite you and members of your company or business association to a complimentary group talk. I call it my "RAW talk" for business owners and professionals who would like to take their career and organizations to the next level and in harmony with other people and areas of life--Quality of Life.

My RAW talk includes highlights of the 5 Keys to Excellence as a Leader that you can apply to your career and life immediately. For one hour, we will have a practical, interactive discussion to really look at aligning and accomplishing what's important to you and change for the greater good.

The 5 Keys to Excellence as a Leader help you to love what you do and do what you love in all aspects of your life.

The 5 Keys to Excellence as a Leader help you expand your ability as an effective leader and be at your highest potential so that you can give your best to others.

I believe that Leaders are at every level of a company or organization. Leaders see problems as opportunities to analyze, create and execute valuable solutions with the collaboration and cooperation of others. Innovative, leading-edge Leaders continuously learn and grow, and encourage others to do the same. They are Real. They are Authentic. They feel a Winning confidence from within. RAW. You are a RAW Leader by knowing and mastering your unique talent and gift to positively share with Our World.

If you feel a calling to excel and expand as a Leader, schedule my complimentary RAW TALK* for your group NOW. Call 808-239-2828 or email me. I AM truly committed to help you Lead & Live Well™ with Quality of Life.

*This invitation is for one free LIVE group event per organization for 6 to 100 or more adults who want to take their business or professional career to the next level in harmony with other areas and people in their life. Travel costs (outside of O`ahu) are not included. RAW Talk sessions may be scheduled between December 7, 2015 and February 4, 2016 based on availability. This offer is good until December 31, 2015 and is subject to change.

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